Introduction to HK Business Corporate

Bank Account Opening


Supplementary to AsiaBC “Hong Kong bank account opening” services

Guide to Hong Kong business bank account opening
– Information of customers acquired by Hong Kong banks in general
(Applicable to all small-to-medium enterprise)

The banks need to acquire your background information due to their Know-Your-Customers (KYC) policy.

  • For a Hong Kong company, you need to provide information as follows:
    • The date of incorporation of your company
    • The business address, registered address, and correspondence address of your company
      • If these addresses are not the same, reason(s) are needed
    • The background and nature of business/industry of the group(s) to which your company belongs (i.e. your parent company)
    • The nature of your business/industry, the mode of operation, the sales target, market location(s), and information of supplier(s)
    • The size of your company including the number of employees, the expected turnover and revenue, etc
    • The purpose of account opening, the expected annual number of transactions, turnover, transaction pattern, type of currency
    • The source of wealth and source of funds of your company
    • The Hong Kong banker(s) that your company and your belonging group(s) has been using


  • For an offshore company, you need to provide additional information as follows:
    • The reason(s) for an opening account(s) in Hong Kong
    • The local banker(s) that your company or your affiliated group(s) has been using
    • Location of business operations, details of business operation
    • Residential location of person-in-charge (PIC) of your company
      • If the PIC does station in Hong Kong, you need to provide the details of the bank account operation
    • Hong Kong business address and Hong Kong correspondence address
      • If none of Hong Kong addresses is provided, you need to provide reason(s)


  • For start-ups, you need to provide additional information as follows:
    • The background and experience possessed by the founders and person-in-charge relevant to the business/industry of the company
    • The reason(s) for starting a business in the proposed industry
    • The details business plan of your company
    • The amount of your start-up capital and its source

All information is for reference only.